Interculturality & teaching

Research interests

  • The pedagogical value of literary texts for teaching and teacher training
  • Culturally sensitive L2 education. The development of the intercultural communicative competence in different teaching contexts
  • Textbook analysis. Identification of cultural content and stereotypes. Identification of bias & good practice. Pedagogical proposals

Most relevant publications since 2017

Books & book chapters

TORRES-ZÚÑIGA, L. (2021). Multiethnicity, Liminality and Fantasy in Jamila Gavin’s Stories for Young Readers. In L. Mª LOJO-RODRÍGUEZ, J. SACIDO-ROMERO & N. PEREIRA-ARES (Eds.), Postcolonial Youth in Contemporary British Fiction (pp. 100-123). Brill.

ALONSO-BELMONTE, I. & FERNÁNDEZ-AGÜERO, M. (2019). Enseñar la competencia intercultural. In L. RUIZ DE ZAROBE & Y. RUIZ DE ZAROBE (Eds.), Enseñar hoy una lengua extranjera (pp. 184-222). Octaedro.

PRIETO, S., TORRES-ZÚÑIGA, L., PERNI, R., GÓMEZ, M. T., LÓPEZ, L., MARCO, M. S., & MARTÍNEZ, M. T. (2017). Flipping the literature classroom: Proyecto de clase invertida para la enseñanza de la literatura norteamericana. In R. ROIG-VILA, J. M. ANTOLÍ, A. LLEDÓ & N. PELLÍN (Coord.), Memorias del Programa de Redes-I3CE De calidad, innovación e investigación en docencia universitaria (pp. 1286- 1296). Universidad de Alicante.

Journal articles

FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN, P. (2020). La enseñanza de gramática del texto a estudiantes universitarios: refranes, elementos fóricos y conciencia metalingüísticaDidáctica. Lengua y Literatura, 32, 71-83.

FERNÁNDEZ-MARTÍN, P. (2020). Teaching Spanish Grammar through Proverbs according to the Teachers-to-be. Paremia, 29, 139-148.

FERNÁNDEZ-AGÜERO, M. & CHANCAY-CEDEÑO, C. (2019). Interculturality in the language class; Teachers’ intercultural practices in Ecuador. RELC Journal, 50(1), 164–178.

FERNÁNDEZ-AGÜERO, M. & GARROTE-SALAZAR, M. (2019). ‘It’s not my intercultural competence, it’s me.’ The intercultural identity of foreign language prospective teachers. Educar, 55(1), 159–182.

CHANCAY-CEDEÑO, C, LOOR, J, MENDOZA, K & CHÁVEZ, M. (2019). Intensive reading with literature text in the EFL classroom for developing the Intercultural Competence. ECOS DE LA ACADEMIA, 5(10), 63-70.

ROJAS-BARRETO, L. S. (2019). The Intercultural Competence in Colombian University Teachers–Analysis of a QuestionnaireEnglish Language Teaching, 12(1), 30-47.

FERNÁNDEZ-AGÜERO, M. (2017). Erasmus mobility and the education of interculturally competent European teachers. Journal of Supranational Policies in Education. Nº extraord. 2017, 142–158.

ALONSO-BELMONTE, I. & VINAGRE, M. (2017) (Eds.). Interculturality and identity in computer-mediated communication: findings from L2 teaching contexts. Número monográfico de la revista Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30(5). Taylor and Francis.

CHORNET, D. & PARR, H. B. (2017). Speech codes theory applied to problematic situations in intercultural communication: A six-step iterative training cycleJournal of Intercultural Communication43.

MCCABE, A. (2017). Knowledge and interaction in on-line discussions in Spanish by advanced language learners. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 30(5), 409-431. 

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